The Mama Temple

Art Exhibit

Please browse the Gallery below for a sample of submitted Artwork to past Exhibits.

The Mama Temple is currently accepting Artwork and Stories for the upcoming Exhibit at The Bunker SLO, July 2024

Contributions of art, stories and experience bring truth and hope to all who encounter the exhibit. One of the goals, through this collaboration of Art and Story is to help healing and reconciliation for ourselves and others, and create conversation about trauma and repressed emotions we hold on to about our own motherhood experiences. 

We are Mothers,  We have Mothers, We know the absence of Mothers.

Above: Interactive word art.

We are Mothers. We have Mothers. We know the absence of Mothers.

Viewers are asked to add a word that describes Motherhood to The Mama Temple Sculpture during the Exhibition.

Above: Homage To The Unseen Mothers

This work sets out to reflect the caregiver, nurturer, nanny of the world, who spends her kindness on someone else’s child but rarely gets any credit for raising the child. This exists as many children of nanny’s, housekeepers and caregivers, care for themselves.

Traditionally in America, child rearing was slave labor. It was overwhelming done by women of color and was of course, unpaid.

Jennifer Randall, 2022 Upcycled Thrift Store Art

Above: Dancing Heart

“My mother wore this costume jewelry while dancing at the Crystal Ballroom, circa 1948. Though she never danced on the farm, those muscle memories sustained her. She drew pleasure from working in the field. “

By Shara Anslow, Hand spun/dyed yarn, cloth, costume jewelry.




July Events The Bunker SLO